Kurt is going through his favorite records. Read the explainer or view the master list . Artist: Mike Doughty Title: Yes And Also Yes Released: 2011 Genre: alternative acoustic rock Soul Coughing was one of the stranger bands to come out of the 90s. They had two major hits, the poppy Circles and the fun-if-incomprehensible Super Bon-Bon . After they disbanded, singer Mike Doughty got a rental car and an acoustic guitar and started playing shows and selling burned discs of his first solo album Skittish . 19 years and 17 albums later, he's still going strong and playing weird, poppy, acoustic-driven rock over (with the occasional dash of avant-garde EDM). Yes And Also Yes sits nicely in the center of the Venn Diagram consisting of these circles: weird enough to be interesting, poppy enough to sing along with, and suitable to play in front of my kids. In fact, Strike The Motion was my oldest child's favorite song at one point in his short life. Weird Summer
Be the strange you want to see in the world