🖼️ Could You Take a Picture, 'Cause I Won't Remember... I think it's time for you to meet Steve. Steve is a CPA in his mid-twenties. He has sunken green eyes and a seemingly permanent 5 o'clock shadow. His sandy brown hair is unkempt. He wears an un-ironed white button-up shirt with sleeves rolled to the elbows and a red tie that sits loose in his collar. He likes fast food and vinyl. He has a bare bones apartment and a compact car. Steve... sounds real boring, right? Describe With Actions Most writers view description as a necessary evil. It's not fun to write--or to read--but if you want your reader to be able to picture the scene in their heads you have to give them something to work with. So you pick a few important details and string them into a paragraph and plop it somewhere near the character's introduction. It's not interesting, but if you keep it short you won't use up too much of your reader's attention budget . Besides, readers are accu
Be the strange you want to see in the world