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Sale: "Autoimmune" (And Related Updates)

Hey everybody!

DreamForge Magazine have purchased my story Autoimmune for an upcoming issue. They are a print and online magazine, and it's likely the story will be paywalled to anyone without a subscription. This is one of my favorite of my own stories, as well as being the second-longest one I've sold, so I'm very excited to be able to make this announcement. I don't know when it's going to be running, but expect me to post more details when they are available.

Because I'm nothing if not a ferocious braggart!

In other news about things I don't know, I also don't know when Carpools & Coworkers is going to run at Daily Science Fiction, other than "soonish." However, A Punk Rock Future (with my story Wailsong) has been sent out to Kickstarter backers, so a number of people (myself included) already have their copies. Print and ebook copies are available for pre-order on Amazon and should be out in early October.

