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100 Albums: "8-Bit Jesus" by Doctor Octoroc

Kurt is going through his favorite records. Read the explainer or view the master list.

Artist: Doctor Octoroc
Title: 8-Bit Jesus
Released: 2008
Genre: holiday chiptunes

Merry Christmas, those of you who partake! Because I miscounted, you get an extra post this week, and since today is Christmas, we're going to look at my favorite holiday album, Doctor Octoroc's chiptune holiday opus, 8-Bit Jesus, wherein Levi "Doctor Octoroc" Buffum re-imagines holiday classics in the style of various music from the hit games of the original Nintendo Entertainment System.

Feast your ears on Carol Of The Belmonts (Carol Of The Bells in the style of Castlevania), Kraid Rest Ye Merry Mother Brain (God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen a la Metroid), and Icarus! The Angels Sing (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing a la Kid Icarus). And my personal favorite, linked above, Have Yourself A Final Little Fantasy. Not all of the songs are hits, but none of them are particularly long, so even the so-so ones pass by quickly. It's a quirky album that gets extra props for its commitment to the joke. If you like chiptunes, then this is definitely worth looking into.

There's a related song that's not part of the album but is available for free download called Sonic Claus Is Comin' To Town that I also heartily recommend.


Kathy Schrenk said…
Well that is something.